is offering a new Halloween treat every day in their 31 Days of Halloween event. Today's freebie is a Halloween screensaver. More screensavers, wallpapers, buddy icons, jokes, masks and recipes are promised, day by day,
Join The Sexy Armpit in venturing into NYC's top haunted attraction - BloodManor!
Monster Memories romances The Brides of Frankenstein.
The Hallowe'en Tree's found a $25,500 Pumpkin Swing!
Orange and Black revels in Burger King's Treehouse of Terror collections! (I myself gained quite a few pounds collecting these babies...)
X-Entertainment gets all wrapped up in Frankenberry Fruit by the Foot! also check out recent posts SLIME TIME Watches!, Play-Doh Party Kit! and Cocoa Krispies Haunted House Kit!
Movie Dearest offers Modern Monsters of Hollywood Wallpaper!
Film School Rejects 31 Days of Horror...
"...Every day we will have a special 31 Days of Horror article that will, most often, recommend to you some of the greatest, goriest, or most fun ways you can watch a human get gutted - or just something to laugh at with the kids on Halloween night. So make sure to check out all our recommended movies and keep an eye out for special Horror Themed installments of your favorite columns.."@ Cinematical: Fan Made: Eat a Bloody Shark Attack for Halloween!
kindertrauma reviews a guilty fave of mine, Happy Birthday To Me (I actually saw this on it's premier weekend, on my birthday, with a bunch of my young school chums! Scarred for life, we were...)
Zombo shares news of the 2009 Dark Shadows Convention.
Monster Brains announces a Witch Themed Web Art Show
DVD Talk Reviews:
- The Happening
- The H.P. Lovecraft Collection, Vol. 5: Strange Aeons
- Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead
- Don't Go In The House Triple Feature : The Amityville Horror, The Legend of Hell House, Poltergeist II & III
Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire reviews Femina Ridens (The Frightened Woman)
@ SpoilerTV: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Facing the Axe?
Random Horror Comic Cover: Flinch 2